Hip Girl's Guide to Homemaking

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This picture is sort of related to urban chickens, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and BK Farmyards

I had never seen a willow tree in the city, and here in The Imani Garden, this languid beauty looms without an iota of concern for the inattentive bustle of sidewalk and roadway below. I’m new to all this, but this seems like the typical New Yorker’s experience with nature: bristling past it repeatedly until confronted (or surrounded) by sheer magnanimity. Behold the power of nature to take your breath away, whenever you’re ready.

So, speaking of nature: We’re joining an Egg CSA in Crown Heights Brooklyn that will provide our household with fresh, local, organic eggs every week. The chickens will get to hang out underneath this very willow tree in their snazzy 50-chicken house under construction now.

Have you ever had a real farm egg? Well, we have. And that’s why we’re prepared to shell out what will amount to about $5 a week for our share (a dozen/week) and we won’t have to run like madwomen to the farmers market and stand in line. Ah, the crap-shoot of egg availability; eggs are always the first market item to run out.

Scope out the variety of CSAs (specializing in meats, vegetables, eggs, etc.) near you; there are bound to be alternatives to those yellow-yolk industrial eggs no matter where you are. Hell, if we can join an egg CSA just blocks from the Long Island Railroad bridge in the middle of a sea of concrete, surely you can find something near you.