Hip Girl's Guide to Homemaking

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Book tour: segment 4!

Minnesota, “where all the men are strong, the women are good looking and children are above average.” (Yes, of course, I’m a total dork who has devoutly listened to Garrison Keillor talk about ketchup and rhubarb and Norwegian bachelor farmers for the better part of my 20’s.)

My visit to the Twin Cities started out fabulously. Kim, the blogstress behind Affairs of Living, picked me up from the airport on Saturday morning. She brought me a care pack that included peppermint oil-infused water, homemade gluten-free granola, local beeswax hand salve and local honey (among other thoughtful snacks).

What’s more, Kim heads up the newly-started MPLS Swappers with two other awesome women. They coordinated the second swap to be timed with my visit. I got to meet the MPLS swappers!

Here are some of the fun things I saw that afternoon at the swap.

And swappers’ loot…

My mom and I met up with family for supper that evening, and later, we rejoined the swap mavens for a nightcap!

Brunch with more family preceded my Barnes & Noble signing event on Sunday. Both my parents are from Minneapolis so it was great to see a big chunk of our family who still live in the area including Grandma Jinny (the domestic apple on our family tree), my cousins, and my aunt & uncle.

This poster startled me as we walked into the bookstore. It made me realize that I actually have a book out there in the world; I am so lucky to be able to visit so many communities to share it. I’m so grateful for all the people who are reading along the way.

Kim popped into my signing event on Sunday with 10 pounds of local rhubarb. I’d sent her on a mission on the previous day asking for as much rhubarb as she chould get me for 20 bucks. Two farmers’ market stalls, a friend’s yard, and a co-op visit later, and I have some pretty delicious carry-on luggage.

In other news, I’ve lost my voice. No talking for me for a few days. How do rockstars do it? I have a lot to learn about keeping myself in top-shape for book touring!